You may need to repair a crack or chip in your windshield if you are a driver. Windshield damage, whether it is a minor blemish or a more serious problem, can ruin your day.


A professional inspection of your vehicle is the best way to determine whether you need to repair or replace your windshield. You will be able to better understand your options, and get the most out of your insurance.

Chips and cracks

You can get a variety of cracks and chips on your windshield. It is important to know the type of glass used in your windshield, because it will determine whether or not you can repair the damage.

Your front windshield is usually made of laminated glass that holds together even when it’s damaged. Side and rear windows and windshields are usually made of tempered glass.

A crack can be caused by any material. It is a line that separates the glass.

Chips and Cracks can be repaired, but over time they may grow, compromising your windshield’s structural integrity.

It is best to have them repaired as soon as possible to avoid larger problems. Keep your windshield away from extreme temperatures. It will prevent the glass from contracting and expanding, increasing the chance of a chip or crack becoming a floater.

Old Sealant

You might have an older sealant that allows water to enter between the glass and frame. A professional can fix this problem by using sealant to prevent cracks and leaks.

The technician will use a special adhesive to seal the frame with the windshield. The adhesive will harden after a specific time period, depending on the outside temperature and humidity.

Some adhesives dry very quickly, while others cure more slowly. You should not drive the vehicle for 24 hours after the installation of the windshield to avoid road vibrations or other factors interfering with curing.

Many people have used different sealants to protect their windshields. Some sealants may work but they won’t last as long as a windshield-specific product. Permatex Flowable Silicone Windshield & Glass Sealer is one of our favorites. It costs less than $10 and can withstand extreme temperatures, vibrations, chemicals, and even extreme cold.

Weather Damage

Windshields can be damaged by the weather. Ice and hail are more likely to damage glass than rain and snow.

It is also more likely that colder temperatures will worsen any existing cracks and chips. The temperature decrease causes the molecules of glass to move closer together. This makes it more fragile and susceptible to breaking.

Water can also enter a crack or chip and then refreeze. This will expand the glass, causing even more damage.

Call your agent as soon as you can if your windshield gets damaged in a storm. You’ll be able to start the claim process with them and have a new windshield installed as soon as possible.

Safety Concerns

The windshield is a crucial component of auto safety. The windshield can provide up to 45% structural support for the cabin in frontal collisions and up to 60% when it is rolled over.

The windshield is also important in ensuring that the airbags are deployed properly during a collision. The windshield is a barrier that protects passengers from road debris.

This also prevents the ejection of passengers in the event of a rollover.

You can cause serious accidents if you do not repair or replace your cracked windshield as soon as possible. A cracked windshield can reduce your visibility, increasing your chances of being hit by another car or thrown out.

A cracked windshield may also negatively affect the airbags of your vehicle. This can cause problems with the airbags and the roof. This is particularly true if your vehicle has ADAS or head-up display and airbags.
